Unexpected Matters

Unexpected Matters
"Who Dat"

Monday, May 17, 2010

An Ode to Peace

Near yet so distant
Polluted yet so full of life
I too have dreams of fairy tales
Waking up amongst your grace
Basking in your aura
Believing in your power
The days grow older as the nights digress
The blinds to all of your windows are open
Vulnerability becomes the mission of the devil
The pavements become warm preparing for your journey
The bushes and trees begin to move requesting your dance
The heart becomes wise, but not fond.
Wise but not fond because contentment equals opposition
There is no longer a such phrase "seek and you shall receive"
From now on theres right from wrong, ethics versus morals, and live and be blessed.
Happiness will come as you clear the clouds away.
God becomes available and his presence is attainable
The best friend you never knew you had has arrived
Your past is but a glimpse of experiments of experience.
Silence will no longer be fearful and noise will not harm you.
Relationships will come, they will grow, and they may go.
the unneessary will remove themselves
The necessities will be bountiful.
As the extras will find a place for themselves.
What stress brought the breeze will blow away
You will find that love does not exist in your heart
Your wants and needs ae the only things your heart desires.
People will try to distract you, blindfold you, and take you away
Everything that shines, glitters, and glistens is not gold.
Always stand up for something or you may fall for anything.
Continue to grow stronger, your largest competitor is yourself.
Everyone and everything is not for you, let God handle your hardships, you just take care of the basics.

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